Publication Ethics Principles
If it is detected that the data used in the articles are manipulated, distorted or fabricated, the institution where the author works will be officially notified and the article will be rejected. Our journal has the right to request the output files of the analysis results from the authors.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
Our journal is a non-profit publication based on the principles of impartiality, independence and ethical responsibility. Our publication processes, the relationship between the publisher and the editorial board are based on the principle of independence and all decisions taken by the editors are independent.

Responsibilities of the Board of Editors
The members of the Editorial Board are appointed for three years according to their areas of expertise in the field of educational sciences. A chief editor, one or more deputy editors and field editors are appointed as the chairman of the Editorial Board. A new member is appointed to replace the departing member. Depending on the subject of the article, the editor may send articles to faculty members who are not members of the Board of Editors for review as field editors when necessary.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Authors should not have previously published their articles elsewhere and should not submit to more than one journal at the same time. Correctly cite the sources used in their articles and declare any conflict of interest or association. Provide the editors with the requested information during the evaluation process. If they notice errors or inconsistencies in their articles, they should contact the editor to correct or withdraw them. Conduct data collection in line with ethical principles and comply with copyright regulations for research and intellectual and artistic works. They should state that research on humans and animals is conducted in accordance with ethical rules.

Notification of Situations Not Complying with Ethical Principles
If an unethical behaviour or unethical situation is encountered in EDUTECH Research Journal regarding a manuscript in the review process, in early view, or in a published manuscript, the situation should be reported immediately to the editors of the journal. If an author engages in unethical behaviour in a manuscript, the editors may reject the manuscript or, if an error or inaccuracy is discovered in a published manuscript, they may request correction or retraction.

Publication Process of the Journal
The Journal of EDUTECH Research uses a double-blind peer review process. Articles are first reviewed by the editors and, if appropriate, sent to at least two reviewers. The reviewers review the manuscripts anonymously. As a result of the reviewers' reviews, it is decided whether the manuscripts should be accepted, revised, or rejected. These decisions are evaluated by the editors and the final decision is taken by the editors.
EDUTECH Research Journal believes that scientific publications should be produced and shared in line with the principles of impartiality, independence and ethical responsibility. Our journal is extremely meticulous about compliance with the principles of publication ethics and takes care to protect these principles. Thus, our readers and researchers are provided with access to reliable and high quality information.

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